I had seen two accidents in life that I will never forget I was on my way to college waiting for a friend to pick me up I see a guy who was coming very fast on his bike he was like in his late 30s signal was green as he was coming towards us but by far he came to the traffic light I came to be red he was in such a speed he tried to push brakes but his back wheel slipped and he crash into a footpath by side of his head I was watching this whole thing like 30 feet's away from him there were also some other people who gathered around him and asking that if he was ok he stands up his leg was hurt and when he open his helmets front mirror people say some blood coming from his skull as people told him he took off his helmet and as he took it off he instantly fall on the ground and his half skull was open next day I read in newspapers that when he took off his helmet his brain was just together because of helmet and as he took off air or oxygen hits his brain he dies ..... So guys always seek a medical help as you are ... The next case was also like this but now there were two guys on a bike they both slipped and fell down the back seater instantly jumps from the bike as it slips he got some scratches on his knee elbow hands not severely injured but the other guy who was driving slipped and he goes with the big over a speed breaker and laid he can't get away from the bike as he slipped because his leg was stuck now the back seater goes to his friend and ask if he was ok he said yes but I think my rib is broke I have itching pain in my ribs his friend said him don't be a girl just stand up let me help you the other guy said no don't let me late down I will stand on my own when I feel am fine his friend pushed him by saying that stand up let's go to a doc and grab his hand and make him try to stand with a force of hand and as he does it he comes blood coming out from the mouth of his friend and when he see his chest he saw one rib was broken and coming out from the down side of his left shoulder by ripping the heart from the between and he dies in his arms so guys always be safe and drive safely
My older sister has never been in a relationship. She is the prettiest woman I know, beautiful without putting too much effort and naturally elegant and graceful However she is dedicating her life to her academic studies and her dream to become a great heart-surgeon just like my dad. Althought she is very easy-going, a party person whenever she needs a break and also a cheerleader she never met someone at her level. I am genuinely happy she didn't waste her time on wrong people and I am pretty sure she’ll find her true soulmate one day. EDIT: Sone of you didn't understand what I meant by “at her level” and I wasn't good at explaining it either since I am not a native speaker. What I meant is that where I live young generation is very superficial (I may include myself in it) and it's not much interested on romance and education. So by “at her level” I meant someone who treats her the way she should be treated, that's it. She is 22 and she doesn't want to be singl...