The yesterday blasts on bierut Port was so disastrous that it apart the whole land and you can also see it from satellites images the whole economy of Lebanon depends on that port not even the port but nearby houses are also affected its a big disaster which took more than 1000 lives and 4000 are still injured approximately they are not my relatives but i can feel there pain as world should also do
My older sister has never been in a relationship. She is the prettiest woman I know, beautiful without putting too much effort and naturally elegant and graceful However she is dedicating her life to her academic studies and her dream to become a great heart-surgeon just like my dad. Althought she is very easy-going, a party person whenever she needs a break and also a cheerleader she never met someone at her level. I am genuinely happy she didn't waste her time on wrong people and I am pretty sure she’ll find her true soulmate one day. EDIT: Sone of you didn't understand what I meant by “at her level” and I wasn't good at explaining it either since I am not a native speaker. What I meant is that where I live young generation is very superficial (I may include myself in it) and it's not much interested on romance and education. So by “at her level” I meant someone who treats her the way she should be treated, that's it. She is 22 and she doesn't want to be singl...